With the next update, the Telegram messenger received support for animated effects when sending messages, the ability to place captions over pictures and videos, global hashtags, collapsible quotes, expanded capabilities for interacting with phone numbers, as well as dynamic backgrounds and stylish animations when making calls under Apple macOS.
Enhanced Messaging and Media Features
In personal correspondence, you can now exchange messages with animated effects – they are shown when the interlocutor opens the chat. Users of the free version of Telegram have access to only six free effects, but with Premium, their number increases to several hundred. To add such effects, you need to press and hold the send button, and then select the emoticon corresponding to the desired emotion. Previously, in the same menu, it was possible to send a delayed message and send a message without sound.
Captions for pictures and videos can now be placed not under them, but above them. To do this, you again need to press and hold the send button; you can also change the position of the signature on already sent publications. When you tap a phone number in a message, you can now select one of several actions in the updated menu, including quickly adding it to your contacts.
Updated Hashtags and Interactive Features
The work with hashtags, which have been supported in the messenger since 2015, has been updated. Now, when you click on a hashtag, you can open search results for major public channels. Results for hashtags in public channels can be viewed as a feed of publications or a list. A function of collapsible quotes has appeared – you can select a piece of text, add formatting in the form of a quote, and select the “Collapse” button in the input field.
Dynamic Backgrounds and Animations
Finally, Apple macOS adds dynamic backgrounds and stylish animations to accompany voice and video calls—previously, this design appeared on Android and iOS, adds NIXSolutions. We’ll keep you updated on any further enhancements and improvements to Telegram’s features.
With these new features, Telegram continues to enhance user experience, offering more customization and interactivity. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements.