WhatsApp will have several new features at once, which will be reflected in the correspondence of users. So, the WABetaInfo portal reports that chats will be allowed to restore messages deleted by mistake. For example, when the user clicks on “delete for me” instead of “delete for everyone”.
You can test the feature if you update WhatsApp to beta version available on TestFlight. If it is not visible, then you are not yet included in the list of users participating in the test.
Also last week, a full-fledged WhatsApp client for Windows was released. It can run in the background and does not need to be synchronized with your phone. The app is available for download from the Microsoft Store.
Another new feature is the ability to view statuses in the chat list in the messenger. The corresponding function was seen in the beta versions of the messenger for iOS and Android, notes NIX Solutions.
WhatsApp beta testers who installed the latest update found that the statuses posted by contacts can now be opened from the chat list. At the same time, the “Statuses” section remained in the same place and also allows you to view media files shared by users from the notebook.
Experts say that the development of statuses in WhatsApp will allow inserting more ads into the messenger.