Telegram has rolled out another update, introducing several new features. Among them is the ability to award “Stars” as prizes for giveaways. These giveaways are designed to help channel owners promote their channels and groups, as noted in a recent Telegram blog post.
What Are “Stars” and How Can They Be Used?
Previously, prizes for giveaways on Telegram were limited to items such as Telegram Premium subscriptions or additional gifts provided by the organizers. With this new update, channel owners can now offer winners “Stars,” the platform’s internal currency. This feature has already been tested by several channels, indicating that it may be a popular tool moving forward.
Giveaway winners can use the “Stars” they’ve won on various items and services. These include:
- Paid media content
- Exclusive subscriptions to specific channels
- Virtual goods in games and mini-apps available on the Telegram platform
How to Set Up Giveaways in Telegram
Channel owners who want to create giveaways can do so in their settings. The option is available in the “Statistics” section, under “Voices.” NIXsolutions notes that both the App Store and Google Play limit the maximum payment amount for in-app purchases. For larger giveaways, users can arrange them through @PremiumBot.
This feature represents Telegram’s continued effort to enhance its platform by offering new ways for users to engage with content. We’ll keep you updated as further improvements and features are introduced.