Pavel Durov recently discussed several new features that will soon be introduced to the Telegram messenger. Most of these updates focus on improving the gifting functionality, among other enhancements aimed at refining user experience.
Key Innovations in Gifting and Hashtags
According to Durov, five out of the ten upcoming updates are designed to enhance the performance of gifts within the app. Three additional updates are aimed at improving how hashtags function, making them more efficient for users. These innovations aim to streamline content discovery and engagement within Telegram.
Media Editing and Message Update Time
Another notable change involves the ability to add media to a message after it has already been sent, a feature currently unavailable. Currently, users who wish to add media to a sent message must delete the message and recreate it. This upcoming update will simplify this process, saving users time and effort.
In addition to media editing, Telegram is also working on allowing users to view the exact time a message was edited, providing better transparency when messages are modified, notes NIXsolutions.
Fast Development and Upcoming Release
Durov emphasized the speed at which the Telegram development team worked on these new features. He shared that he proposed the improvements just a day prior, and the team was able to prepare mockups and produce functional builds within 24 hours. This rapid turnaround highlights Telegram’s commitment to innovation.
As of now, there is no official release date for these features, but we’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.