Telegram developers have introduced an editor that allows users of the messenger to create and edit their own stickers from any images in the mobile application, adding text, animations, and other graphic elements to them. With this enhancement, customization options for stickers have expanded significantly, offering users a more creative outlet within the platform.
Creating and Customizing Stickers
Using the editor, you can cut out fragments of photos, delete or restore certain parts of the image, and frame them with a classic white outline. This intuitive interface makes sticker creation accessible to users of all skill levels, empowering them to personalize their messaging experience.
Integration with Emoji and Messenger Search
To create a sticker, you need to click on the “+” button in the stickers section in the message input field. When adding a sticker to the collection, the user is asked to select suitable emoji from a list created based on image analysis using artificial intelligence algorithms. The new feature is also integrated with the messenger search system, allowing you to send stickers that match the emoji used in messages, adds NIX Solutions.
With these updates, Telegram is not only enhancing sticker creation but also improving the overall user experience by streamlining the process of finding and sharing stickers. As Telegram continues to innovate, we’ll keep you updated on any further developments to enrich your messaging experience.