At the Tonkeeper Talks event in France, Pavel Durov, the head of the Telegram messenger, shared exciting updates about upcoming features in the gifts section and the future of the TON blockchain. These announcements come as Telegram gifts continue to experience “explosive popularity.”
Currently, users are increasingly sending gifts, and new features are set to enhance this function further. Durov revealed that gifts in Telegram could soon be sent as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on the TON blockchain. Additionally, users will be able to create their own custom gifts. The development includes an “interactive showcase” for NFT elements, where users can combine attributes from the “rare” category and elevate them to the “collectible” category. Moreover, Telegram users will soon be able to set NFTs as profile pictures, broadening the platform’s personalization options.
TON Blockchain Prospects in the U.S.
The political climate in the United States might also positively impact the TON blockchain’s prospects, adds NIX Solutions. Following Donald Trump’s recent return to the presidency, Durov expressed optimism about the potential for change. Trump has previously promised to support the cryptocurrency industry, which could influence attitudes toward the TON platform.
“I will be surprised if I do not see listings on Tier 1 USA centralized exchanges (CEX) this year,” Durov remarked. He emphasized that Americans’ love for freedom aligns with the principles behind Telegram and the TON blockchain.
We’ll keep you updated as these developments unfold, especially regarding the evolving gift features and the TON platform’s reception in the U.S.