The number of Telegram messenger users with a paid Premium subscription has exceeded 10 million, as announced by the company’s founder and CEO Pavel Durov on his Telegram channel. This milestone comes after the Telegram Premium paid subscription service was launched in June 2022. Premium subscribers enjoy benefits such as the ability to download files up to 4 GB in size at a higher speed, ad-free experience, voice message transcription, and access to premium stickers, among other features. It’s worth noting that Telegram achieved its first million Premium subscribers in December 2022, showing significant growth in less than two years.
New Features and Removals
Durov also revealed that Telegram has introduced new features while gradually phasing out several others. One notable removal is the “People Nearby” feature, which was added in 2019. Despite being used by less than 0.1% of Telegram users, it was associated with issues involving bots and scammers. As a replacement, Telegram plans to launch the “Businesses Nearby” option. This new feature will allow users to discover verified companies that can showcase product catalogs on the platform and accept payments directly.
Another change involves the disabling of new media uploads to Telegraph, a standalone blogging tool that could be used for various purposes. While the reasons for this change weren’t explicitly stated, it aligns with Telegram’s efforts to streamline its services and focus on core messaging features.
We’ll keep you updated on these changes and any new features as they roll out.
Focus on Improved Moderation
Durov emphasized that 99.999% of Telegram users are not involved in any criminal activities. However, the small fraction (0.001%) engaged in illegal actions creates a negative image for the entire platform, potentially jeopardizing the interests of nearly 1 billion users. In response to this challenge, Durov stated, “That’s why this year we are aiming to turn Telegram moderation from a place of criticism to a place of praise.”
This renewed focus on moderation demonstrates Telegram’s commitment to maintaining a safe and positive environment for its vast user base. By addressing concerns related to illegal activities and enhancing moderation practices, Telegram aims to improve its reputation and ensure a better experience for all users.
As Telegram continues to evolve and adapt to user needs, these changes reflect the platform’s ongoing efforts to balance feature offerings, user safety, and overall service quality, notes NIXSOLUTIONS. The achievement of 10 million Premium subscribers underscores Telegram’s growing popularity and its ability to monetize through value-added services.
We’ll keep you updated on any further developments and improvements to the Telegram platform as they become available.