Telegram is set to become “the epicenter of social transformation,” enabling hundreds of millions to become closely acquainted with blockchain technology, according to founder and head Pavel Durov. To maintain this development pace, Telegram plans to launch a mini-application store and a built-in browser by the end of the month, designed to support Web3 pages. While the field of cryptocurrencies offers significant opportunities, it often deters ordinary consumers due to the prevalence of scammers.
Enhanced Security and Verification
In response, Telegram’s administration is intensifying efforts to combat fraud. Soon, similar to Instagram, public accounts on Telegram will display the month and country of registration. Additionally, Telegram will create a decentralized marketplace for third-party verification. Some organizations will be able to use their own widgets to assign labels to channels, indicating the accuracy of the information they publish, notes NIXSolutions.
Pavel Durov believes this initiative will promote greater decentralization and transparency. Telegram users will be more informed about the opportunities and dangers within the rapidly changing world of cryptocurrencies. We’ll keep you updated on these exciting developments.