The administration of Telegram has launched its first application update of 2025, introducing several exciting features. These include collectible gifts, reactions to service messages, advanced message search filters, third-party account verification, and a built-in QR code scanner. Let’s explore these updates in detail.
Unique Collectible Gifts
Telegram has added a new type of gift—collectible gifts. Unlike standard gifts, these unique items can have a special status assigned by both the sender and recipient. Their design is selected from dozens of artist-created options, featuring distinctive characteristics like unique numbers, patterns, or background colors.
Some characteristics are rarer than others, making certain gifts particularly valuable. Over 20 existing gifts can now be upgraded to collectible versions, with more than 1,400 customization options available. Upgrading requires spending stars, Telegram’s internal blockchain currency.
Enhanced Chat Features
Service messages, such as those notifying users of sent gifts, added group members, or initiated calls, now support reactions. This enables users to express gratitude or welcome new participants directly within chats.
The “Chats” tab, accessible via the search bar, now includes filters for more targeted results. Users can refine searches by limiting them to chats, groups, or channels. Additionally, recent downloads and media files from chats can now be easily accessed.
Verification and QR Code Scanner
Telegram has expanded its verification system, allowing third-party organizations to verify accounts alongside the platform administration. Verified chats or accounts now display a confirmation icon, along with an explanation of the verifying authority.
For Premium subscribers, Telegram offers the ability to use custom emoticons in chat folders, adds NIX Solutions. Furthermore, the app now includes a built-in QR code scanner within the camera section, available on both Android and iOS. Scanned QR codes open directly in the user’s default browser.
A Delayed but Comprehensive Update
Initially planned for 2024, this feature-packed update faced delays due to issues with Apple. Despite the wait, Telegram has now delivered a rich set of enhancements. We’ll keep you updated as more integrations and features become available in future updates.