Telegram has unveiled a significant update, introducing a built-in browser with multiple tabs and Web3 support. This new feature allows users to switch between sites, articles, mini-apps, and chat messages seamlessly. Notably, the browser supports decentralized sites on the TON network, bringing Web3 technologies to Telegram’s vast user base. Users can also bookmark pages for later viewing.
Enhanced Mini-App Experience and “Stars” Feature
A new “Applications” tab has been added to the “Search” section, showcasing users’ existing mini-apps and popular selections. Developers can now upload screenshots and videos to demonstrate their apps’ functionality. The update also introduces “Stars,” a feature allowing users to gift each other digital currency for purchasing goods in mini-apps or accessing paid channel content, adds NIX Solutions. Gifted stars appear as animated holiday shortcuts in chats.
Additional Improvements and Future Updates
The update includes enhancements to the weather widget, video story covers, and video message recording. Users can now record video messages without holding their finger on the screen. These changes are part of Telegram’s ongoing efforts to improve user experience and functionality.
We’ll keep you updated on future developments, as the Telegram team is already working on new features set to appear in August. This update represents a significant step forward for the platform, integrating Web3 capabilities and enhancing the overall user experience with a range of new tools and features.