Telegram began testing the placement of sponsored posts in channels. This is reported by the profile Telegram channel with a link to the official website of the messenger.
According to iGuides, Telegram channel administrators began to notice advertising posts in their feed that they had not posted themselves. Such messages are marked sponsored and appear in channels without the participation of admins.
According to information from the official Telegram website for translations, information has appeared on the requirements and conditions for native advertising in the messenger. Here’s what you need to know:
- Posts marked sponsored are advertisements from Telegram itself, not from the channel administrator
- Sponsored posts can only consist of text up to 160 characters long, and cannot have media files or external links
- The sponsored post will be displayed below all new posts in the channel
- Only one sponsored channel will be posted at a time
- The advertiser will be able to choose which channels to place in (it is not yet known whether it will be possible to select only the category of channels, or some specific media)
- A special section will soon appear on the official Telegram website for those who want to buy native ads in the messenger.
NIX Solutions notes that the sponsored placement is currently in test mode. An interesting nuance: for the time of testing (and it is still indefinite in duration) Telegram will take all the income from the placement of native advertising in the channels. When “all expenses are covered,” the messenger will start sharing money with channel administrators.
Teleram assures that there is no and never will be targeted advertising in the messenger – in other words, information about the actions and interests of Telegram users will not be collected and used to personalize native advertising. Once Pavel Durov argued something similar in relation to advertising in the messenger as such.