Apple has added the Distraction Control feature to the Safari browser, which allows you to hide distracting elements from open web pages, such as pop-up windows with cookie settings. This feature debuted in the fifth beta versions of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, which were released yesterday for developers.
Customizing Your Browsing Environment
To use the Distraction Control feature, you need to select the “Hide distracting elements” option in the browser menu and then specify the elements that you want to remove from the currently open page. When elements are hidden, they disappear with a smooth animation effect. However, it’s important to note that the feature does not support synchronization, so all annoying elements of the site will have to be blocked on different devices separately.
In addition to the new Distraction Control feature, the next beta version of iOS 18 brought a number of other innovations, notes NIX Solutions. For example, the previously added carousel view of photos in the Photos app has been removed, as it was found to be confusing for users and duplicated content. We’ll keep you updated on any further enhancements or changes to the Safari browser and other Apple products.