Last week, the Telegram messenger successfully raised $330 million through the sale of bonds, as announced by Pavel Durov, the founder, and CEO of the platform. According to Mr. Durov, the funds were secured on highly favorable terms for the company. Although the specific investors were not disclosed, Mr. Durov highlighted the participation of globally renowned financial organizations, expressing gratitude for their recognition of Telegram’s growth trajectory.
Path to Profitability:
In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Pavel Durov revealed the company’s ambition to achieve profitability by the following year. Additionally, he hinted at Telegram’s contemplation of going public, citing it as a strategic move to preserve the platform’s independence and democratize access to its value. As Telegram explores avenues for monetization, including premium subscriptions, advertising, and blockchain-based username sales, it aims to uphold its commitment to user privacy and security.
Financial Insights:
Reports from TechCrunch suggest that the current yield on Telegram bonds stands at 7.7%. These bonds, scheduled to mature in 2026 or upon the platform’s public offering, were issued at $91, a considerable increase from their previous value of $78. With a user base of 900 million individuals, Telegram continues to diversify its revenue streams, offering premium features and services to its subscribers, notes NIX Solutions.
As Telegram navigates its financial strategies and explores potential avenues for growth, we’ll keep you updated on the latest developments. Stay tuned for more insights into Telegram’s journey towards profitability and potential public listing.