On August 4, Telegram messenger celebrated its 11th birthday by rolling out a significant update with several new features. Most of these additions revolve around “stars” – Telegram’s internal currency for channel monetization.
New Monetization Options
Now, users can react to posts with special “star” reactions, either single or multiple. Channel authors collect these “stars” and can exchange them for Toncoin cryptocurrency or use them for discounted advertising. Additionally, channel creators can now offer paid subscriptions for access to their content, with subscribers joining through a generated link.
The update also introduces “superchannels,” allowing multiple contributors to publish content under their own names or channel identities, adds NIXSOLUTIONS. Users can easily identify post authors by their nicknames and avatars.
Improved User Experience and Bot Functionality
For iOS users, documents now open within the Telegram interface rather than the operating system, enabling convenient viewing of multiple files and seamless switching between documents and chats.
Bots have also received an upgrade, gaining the ability to publish paid content. For instance, they can now generate images using neural networks and reveal the results only after payment in “stars.”
The latest version of Telegram, featuring these updates, is available across all supported platforms. We’ll keep you updated on any further developments or features as they emerge.