In the next Telegram update, channel and group owners will be able to sell goods and services not only using bots. The corresponding function was found in test versions of the messenger in iOS and Android, according to RG.
According to the publication, payments for goods and services in Telegram will be carried out using third-party payment systems. The card data is filled in once, after which it can be saved to pay for future purchases in the messenger. In addition, the owners of channels and groups can leave a tip.
“Now there are more and more channels, and the cost of attracting a subscriber has more than doubled,” says independent PR consultant Yaroslav Fedoseev. “The ability to create your own store in Telegram can breathe more life into it and add an audience.”
In his opinion, an advertising platform with targeting algorithms, which Durov already announced last year, could become a key trigger for the formation of a new peak in the platform’s popularity.
The host of the program Philip Trofimov believes that Telegram will not be able to compete with the Chinese WeChat: “In this messenger you can not only buy and sell goods, it itself is a kind of payment system. Telegram, which uses third-party payment systems, does not have all this,” he says.
NIX Solutions notes that earlier in Telegram, it became possible to create voice chats – following the example of the Clubhouse social network. In addition, Pavel Durov recently announced that TV channels may appear in the messenger.