Telegram has launched a contest to develop a video filter to create “the best version of yourself”.
The prize fund will be $40 thousand.
The module should be a video filter to improve a person’s appearance: smooth the skin of the face, hide defects, bring the proportions of the face to the universal standards of attractiveness. Similar features are implemented in the Instagram and Snapchat applications.
The module must be developed in C++. Developers are also required to create applications on iOS and Android that will demonstrate the operation of the module in real time, says Likeni.
Among Telegram’s requirements for developers:
- the module must work correctly regardless of gender, age and skin color;
- the result of the transformation should be perceived as natural;
- the module must work in high performance mode 30-60 frames per second;
- the total size of the modules (binary size) should not exceed 2 megabytes;
- the introduction of third-party libraries (OpenCV and the like) and ML-models is not welcome, but not prohibited.
All interested developers can participate in the competition. Finished projects can be sent to the @ContestBot bot. NIX Solutions adds that the winners, in addition to the amount of money, will have the opportunity to get a job at Telegram in Dubai.