At the end of April, the first rumors appeared that the Telegram messenger was working on paid features that could be included in a premium subscription, with which the service expects to receive additional monetization.
Among them are more reactions, as well as stickers with full-screen animation.
Also, the owners of the Telegram Premium subscription receive a distinctive sign next to the name – a star, says SearchEngines.
Paid features can only be seen on the test server via the Beta version of the iOS client. It is currently not possible to access the subscription.
NIX Solutions notes that this is not the first Telegram method to monetize its business – in November 2021, the messenger launched an advertising platform.
We also recall that, according to the promises of Pavel Durov, all current Telegram services will remain free.
“We will offer additional features for business teams and users with advanced needs. Some of these new features will be resource-intensive and, as a result, will become paid. Ordinary users will always use Telegram for free,” the founder of Telegram said in 2020.